word stream

Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts


Word Stream(33) In My Hell

In My Hell

I prayed to God,my solemn soul,
called Him in darkness of night,
Worship and devotion was my goal,
Depth of meditation,in spirit of flight.

All my prayer was to submit -
One ray of Light is much more-
Kindly come to my heart-
Come--come,do not ignore.

I called Him-all sacred places,
Whenever,wherever I went,
All paths that lead to Him-
My prayer was ardently sent.

Then one day He called me,
My son-I remember you,
Your cry, love ,  devotion,
Can parallel, only a few.

How can I forget my Creation,
How can I forget thee?
Come,welcome you in Heaven.
Come here,you can see.

I screamed-O God, I call,
But no call-back please,
On this earth-I am quite well,
No call-I am here at full ease.

Kindly be in your Heaven,
With all Your Might-I tell,
And let me live long--long,
 Long life in my earthly hell.
                                           (C) keshavdubey


WORD STREAM (6) Rainbow

     WORD STREAM (6) Rainbow


A rain drop rests on a leaf,
Dances on the tune of sun-ray,
And stains the beam kissing it,
At dawn of a rainy day.

The night is slowly departing
Rainbow gives it a farewell,
Seven colours shield the drop,
Not to touch it, not to tell.

Violet gives it the strength,
 Indigo feeds the courage,
Blue creates the valour,
Which fills it with rage.

Green gives the notion of love,
Yellow pacifies the tension,
Orange makes it to jump,
Red fills the drop with passion.

The drop is laying idle,
Rainbow gives it a life,
It breaths with vigour,
And turns fully alive.

Then it rolls from the leaf,
Colour strings try to check and revive,
Alas! Colours are faded at once,
It drops down with a dive.

Rainbow colours come in life,
Like the hide and seek game,
The time-wheel moves intact,
Eternal white beam fades the same.

                                    (C) keshavdubey


WORD STREAM (6) Valentine Day

WORD STREAM (6)Valentine Day
Valentine Day is a day.
Don't limit it in dimension,
Love cannot be defined,
Thing to feel, no mention.

Send gesture, no gift,
Send fragrance, no flower , 
Drop of dew, rises lily,
No rainfall, no shower.

 Be the solemn heart,
As pure as dew,
Then no need to tell lily-
"I love you".
