word stream

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Showing posts with label face. Show all posts


#Word Stream(39) The Actor

#The Actor

On the stage,the show goes on,
Audience minutely watches his role,
He acts in many moods and poses,
To hypnotise the mass,is his goal.

He acts as the ultimate brave man,
Who fights for the human welfare,
Ready to devote his life for others,
-Character,found in books,and nowhere.

A solemn soul on the path of God,
Appears as great saint and preacher,
To enlighten the minds of innocents,
He poses as a self-made teacher.

A kind hearted soul is his next role,
Who weeps for miseries of mankind,
Tireless work for oppressed is his target,
He becomes the divine eye of blind.

After intermission,he acts as clever man,
Who enrolls his greatness on record-book,
Who measures his deeds with inch-tape,
Who poses as,a statue,with smiling look.

Then one fine moment comes-all faces vanish,
All stage,all acting, all poses,all disappear,
He shouts,"Eureka,Ereka--here-my own face,
All sinking in floodlight,my face, very clear.".

At this moment,curtain falls down.Drop scene,
Empty ground,before the stage,all are gone,
No clapping,no cheers,no public,no nothing,
But nothing stops- the next show must go on.
                                                  (C) keshav dubey


WORD STREAM(29) Terrorism

I am standing here,
In this crowded street,
Lot of rush and noise persist,
I am firm on my feet.

Everything seems to be safe,
Except the human life,
An incident may darken the scene,
Only spare the ‘news’-to survive.

Terror has become the part of life,
By no means-anybody can ban,
Men can come over all evils,
But man cannot escape-man.

I see terror by face,
It looks as common as me,
Then what poison melts inside,
How anybody can kill me?

An unknown device may explode,
Shower of bullets may burst,
Always expect the unexpected,
Terrorism targets, from last to first.

Terror is mixed in air,
Terror is in the heart,
Innocents are the target,
Killing is the fine art.

Let me forget all this,
Nightmare is still in queue,
I am quite well here,
And I hope the same to you.

Let me hope to see a new dawn,
When innocent facing  barrel of gun
Will bent it,turn it, with full force,
To target the terror,to make it run.

