word stream


WORD STREAM: His Destiny

WORD STREAM: His Destiny:         His Destiny ************* Skeleton  of an old coconut tree, Stands erect among pygmy plants, Looks at the long distant horizon- What...


WORD STREAM: His Destiny

WORD STREAM: His Destiny:         His Destiny ************* Skeleton  of an old coconut tree, Stands erect among pygmy plants, Looks at the long distant horizon- What...

His Destiny

 His Destiny


Skeleton  of an old coconut tree,

Stands erect among pygmy plants,

Looks at the long distant horizon-

What his unknown Guest wants!

He is far above the elixir of life,

Which floods greenery of ground,

His destiny is to search in space-

Ultimate home,where Death is found.

Below,on the ground of muddy, soil,

Peeps out another tiny, coconut plant,

Mother Nature replies the destiny,

This is Fortune-that I want.


                                                       =keshav dubey=







WORD STREAM: MY DEAR ENEMY:   My Dear Enemy ************************ I know you, I recognize you, You are one, in the long row, I smile and welcome you, You are my enem...


My Dear Enemy
I know you, I recognize you,
You are one, in the long row,
I smile and welcome you,
You are my enemy, you are the foe.

Hatred is in the core of heart,
Chilled in the inner cage,
But modern trend teaches me,
-Paste the smile, on the face.

Weapons change with the age,
Now bloodshed is not seen,
When opponent opposes you,
Pretend all red signal; green.

All seem friendly, all well wishers,
Like next to kin, in the town,
All give firm support to leg,
And wonder! I fall down.

A friend may neglect me,
But enemy will never depart,
I may live in friend’s mind,
But I reside in enemy’s heart.

Now life is to act, not to live,
Society is one stage, as a whole,
At the cost of profitable deal,
Enemy and friend, change the role.
                                        = keshav dubey=



WORD STREAM: Lead kindly light

WORD STREAM: Lead kindly light:                                        
"------ the night is dark, 
and I am far from home.
Lead Thou me on.



Lead kindly light

                                             "------the night is dark,
                                        and I am far from home,
                                         Lead Thou me on."
                                                               (J.H. Newman)




WORD STREAM: The Script: The Script *************   All our life, we  write the script,  of love,passion,emotion, hatred,anger and tension.  It is all- that we alway...

The Script

The Script


Sad man sitting in sunset


All our life,

we  write the script,

 of love,passion,emotion,

hatred,anger and tension.

 It is all-

that we always mention.

And finally,

while binding our life book,

we find that,

they were all dreams,

written on water.

The whole package,

is set aside, 

blown in the air,

we are as empty,

as, we were.


                        =keshav dubey=




WORD STREAM (52) You have won



In that dense, wild forest,

Skeleton of an age old tree,

Could not resist the storm,

No leaves ,no bark, it just fell free.

Mud,  sand, dirt, covered it,

It started to decompose and decay,

With long, long passage of time,

In torrential rain, and prickly sun-ray.

Death was warranted  to the tree,

Green creeper plants covered the same,

Heap of turmoil ate the remains,

It was one part of Nature's game.

In silence, and among thunderstorms,

Encircled with huge green forest ,

This poor dead skeleton was hidden,

 Covered with wild sheet , laid to last rest.

And one morning ,after heavy rain,

There peeped out a tiny leaf, under the sun, 

Rain drops  reflected rainbow around it,

And said, "Hi Life ! you have won."  


                                              =keshav dubey=







           THE BUTTERFLY



Remember the childhood days,

Little butterfly-

Dance and dive, chasing her mate,

A life of love,

Kissing the flower,

Under the sky.

Flowers are for devotion,

For fragrance, for garland,

For leaders, for scent, 

For greeting with fake smile-

with a bouquet in hand.


We ran for butterfly,

In our childhood,

Their colorful vision-

 flying above our heads,

just few inches high.

We have run a long long distance,

They are not seen now,

Either they are afraid of day-light,

Or, we are blind to sight,


                                              =keshav dubey=





WORD STREAM (50) Dolly's Bicycle

WORD STREAM (50) Dolly's Bicycle

(Dolly's Dream world)


Tring, Tring---,Dolly's bicycle is coming,

Swing, balance, up, down-and all the tricks,

She masters the handle, with little hands.

May come any problem, she has learnt to fix.

The bike moves ahead in full speed,

Dolly swings left and right on the seat,

She has to save an old lady on the road,

Brakes work, she escapes, smiles to greet.

The bike ,slips on the wet, muddy road,

She falls down, feels scratch   on her hand,

Dolly sees, many, many eyes looking at her,

She stands up ,laughs, pulls bike to stand.

Dolly returns home, hero-pride on her face,

Pets bike with little hands, like best friend,

Kisses the seat, moves ahead, and turns back,

Parting away with lovely smile, waves her hand.

In dreams, she sees- bike is flying in sky,

A table fan is clamped along the bike's arola,

She is going high and high, sitting on the seat,

Dolly cries, "Hey, I am sitting in  flying "Gondola."

Everything is left below- the school ,homework,

cruel alarm-clock, thick glasses of Maths -Madam,

Basket packed with bundle of "DOs and DON'Ts",

And all teaching and preaching, full of boredom.

Going high and high-but  what has happened?

The bell is ringing, sharp noise. hammering the ears,

No, no, not the lovely bike's bell, it is alarm-clock,

Get up Dolly. "Gondola" has fallen-three cheers.

Dolly is now dressed-up, ready to go to school,

She again and again pets her beloved bike,

Reaches the gate, turns back, waves the little hand-

"Will meet in the evening, with all love and like-

-Dear bike."


                                                                       =keshav dubey=




Nature The Child

 Nature,The Child

 A child plays with the toy,
 Without any meaning or sense,
 Nature plays with the creation,
  And totally ignores our presence
The child pats the doll with love,
 Or throws it by the side,
 Nature keeps us on the lap,
 Or rolls us away, with stride.

 Doll is the means for infant-
 To keep him busy in game,
 Man is the puppet of nature,
 To play, and throw, the same.

 Why child is angry; nobody knows,
  He scatters the toys on the floor,
 When nature is furious-with cruel hands,
 Traps the man ,and closes the door.

 Next moment, the child is pleased,
With charming smile on his lips,
Nature also reflects the rainbow,,
A solemn up-rise, a divine dip.
  Nature is free to show his will,
  He is neither kind, nor wild,
  He is innocent, without sense,
 Nature is God's infant child.

 Nature and child both reflect, His Will,
  An invisible power, of supreme Hands,
 Call that Almighty by any Name,
 Beyond definition, His existence stands.
                                                       (C) keshavdubey




WORD STREAM: WORD STREAM (48) Run with me:   RUN WITH ME ****************** I told life- Don't run so fast, Wait a moment, Let me take the breathe, I am tired and faint. Life said...


WORD STREAM (48) Run with me




I told life-

Don't run so fast,

Wait a moment,

Let me take the breathe,

I am tired and faint.

Life said, "I can not wait,

If I stop to take breathe-

It will be last one for you.

Play, non-stop,

my game,

Let, run with me, your name,

And without me, your fame."



      =keshav dubey=




WORD STREAM (49) Can We Laugh

Can We Laugh?


(one, who laughs at himself, is on the path of NIRVANA)

Laugh is the unique instinct,

That nature has given to man,

No other creature can think of,

But man laughs without ban. 

People laugh in the package of joy,

In happiness and merriment,

Hilarity opens mouth's gate,

Bundle of joy, flows out of vent.

Laughter is declared good for health,

This natural gift is now a device,

The expert trainers teach in the club,

Paid laughing has become exercise.

People laugh at human follies,

Other's distress is their concern,

When lips tender balm of words,

Secretly, they laugh, turn by turn.

Killing, slaughter, massacre, and terror,

All are condemned by mankind,

Away from crowd of crying mass,

At other end, secret laughter we find.

When we stand opposite to mirror,

And see our charming graph,

Can we judge the person inside,

At our own SELF, can we laugh?


                                                    (C) keshav dubey







 Every silence creates an echo,

A sharp,thunderous sound,

Which strikes the barriers and bars,

With passage of time,repeat and rebound. 

No lock, can lock the mind,

No weapon can rub-off a word,

 Thoughts on wings,always fly in sky,

Though, time-machine can kill the bird.

Man is born in the chains,

 'Do's and dont's' is the prison,

But HE IS, and will always be,

In limitless sky, in dream and vision. 


                                           =keshav dubey=







Keshav Dubey in his own voice - Poetry on life and Beyond | Pipal Tree


He Is


It is dark, desperate, rainy night,

The sky unfolds it's blank sheet,

Only one dim, desolate star is seen-

-to twinkle in darkness, to greet.

With sudden, violent bright light,

Whole of the sky is over-filled,

A strayed comet flashes for a moment,

All surrounding is shaken and thrilled.

A sharp intense light over-floods space, 

Sky is washed with deep brightness,

The dim faint star loses his own being,

The destiny of little star, who can guess?

Then shining comet takes dip into horizon,

Blind darkness spreads the wings all around,  

From a small window among dense clouds,

The faint star seem to look at the ground,

Cold breeze whispers into the Nature's ear,

" This eternal cycle is the everlasting quiz,

Comets ,flash of brightness, come and go,

But this dim star? He 'is'; therefore sky is."


                                                                     =keshav dubey=





WORD STREAM (46) Silence



I stand all alone by the vast sea-shore,

Dawn is knocking at, stars are fading,

Birds asleep, air whisper is quite calm,

To all murmur, hissing, silence is wading.

At long distance, trees are still in  sleep,

Cold breeze seem to freeze on the sand,

Waves silently embrace, kiss the sea-shore,

-with passionate love, return hand in hand. 

Everything is still, time forget to move,

I enjoy divine scene, no haste ,no rush,

Being diffused, as if, be the part of nature,

Nature, that is painted with Invisible brush.

Wonder, how long, I have been in state of trance, 

Heavenly abode has rubbed off passage of time,

O, but a regular 'beep' breaking pin drop silence,

My own heartbeat, rising like rhythmic rhyme.

 Beating has inherent incidents, thoughts, emotions,

Intense reels of past memories-no escape, no help,

May everything be imagery paradise, all around me,

But what about thunderous sounds, inside my own 'self' ?

My only choice  is, to run away, from core of heart,

-Urge to defend myself from me- I don't know why,

At distance, a man's shadow is visible from here,

I cry, waving hands in the air -"hey there-hello, hi."


                                                                        =keshav dubey=









