word stream

Showing posts with label super-hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label super-hero. Show all posts


WORD STREAM (34) Super Hero



Two types of super-heroes are found,
The first one, blocked in history -books,
Others, who shine in instant flashlight,
To give sharp sparkle, flicker,glitter looks.

Aladin's magic heroes come out of 'lamp',
And collect hysterical mob all around,
Time-wheel grinds and crushes them,
In street dust-bin,they are mostly found.

Screen heroes climb the golden stairs,
They act everywhere-except the screen,
And weep, cry,sob,blame,when they slip,
In ruins of memory,they are often seen.

New  heroes are in this net-generation-
Running the blind race of 'likes'-bike,
Love-only love, to see their own viral,
A dream of 'clicks'-the dream of hike.

Modern leaders are readymade heroes,
There was a story,that tells this hoax-
Once,life of a jinnie lived in a parrot,
Life of the leader,lives in ballot-box.

 Little child has only one super-hero,
His father's image runs in his veins,
As he matures- grows-up,step-by step,
Hero-hero rubs-off,super-super remains.

A brave soldier guards his own nation,
Nobody knows him,no attention to pay,
A terror-bullet comes- and he is killed,
He becomes super-hero only for one day.

One day, a man sees himself in  mirror,
His image reflects him as a super-hero,
But he loses his faith in his own arms ,
Mirror slips,breaks,and hero becomes zero.
                                                (C) keshavdubey