WORD STREAM (36) The New Year

Zero-zero hours-the fixed time,
His visit- expected, certain, annual,
Clock stops,he peeps inside my home,
Yes,that is He-who has come as usual.
I try to see him,a bright figure,
He is shivering in cold breeze,
I raise the curtain,as he comes,
And greet him-Welcome please.
He is shining, innocent, new year,
Who enters my dwelling place,
The radiance of divine light,
Glitters on his childish face.
He promises,assures, all heaven,
Only to follow him behind-
All happiness, pleasure and joy,
Golden moments-that I rewind.
Depression,,grief,misery and pain,
Calamities,sorrows, of wide range,
Promises to erase-only one question,
"Can yourself in YOU will change?"
My guest has sorrowful smile on his face,
"You search me in party, drink and dance,
You pretend to enjoy,dip and merge thyself,
Arrest moments,that slip, without chance."
You try to stop, speed, or revert time-wheel,
To get rid of present, future, and past worries-
Past, past, past, and new,and new moments,
Forget one thing,time-wheel crushes centuries.
The birth of YEAR- twenty centuries passed,
HIS divine message is so simple and clear,
Have you learnt the message of humanity?
Or you only add one new number every year?"
I ignore that difficult, unsolved question,
Changing oneself ? Too difficult-not a game,
New year says,"Then I am only change of digit,
Then old and new year is the same."
(C) keshavdubey
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